Facial rejuvenation surgery – removal of wrinkles on the forehead, face, neck, upper and lower eyelid, eye brow lifting, double chin repair, face lifting.

Each of the plastic surgery procedures requires careful and attentive planning – it is one of the fist and fundamental conditions for best results, and for prevention of short-term and long-term adverse effects. We at Medicus Alpha treat with care and responsibly the planning of each intervention, this being the fist step after the initial consultation with the plastic surgeon.
Face lifting may take as long as six hours for an experienced surgeon. The surgery basically is made through incision of the facial skin along the scalp line, behind the years and/or under the chin, depending on weather it is partial or total face lifting. The skin is then carefully separated from the underlying tissue, then the excessive fat is removed to facilitate the tightening of the facial musculature and tissues. At least one day hospital stay is mandatory to make possible the monitoring of all life indeces and general state of the patient, as with all surgical procedures. Normally, within two weeks patient may resume their fitness to work. In cases of circumocular lifting this period is longer, taking up to four weeks. Usually the ecchymosis fades for about two weeks but the complete reversal of the swelling and traces of the surgical intervention may take up to three months.